Doing the Whole 30 diet can be a huge kickstart to your health and has numerous benefits. Here is everything you need to know to get started on Whole 30 and how our grass-fed beef and organic chicken fits in so well with this diet!
It’s the time of year again. The time when all your friends and family members are probably busy making resolutions. We don’t know if you are aware of this, but this year the trending resolution is being healthy.
You might even have observed your Instagram flooded with #healthy #healthyin2020 #healhtydiet etc. Among all these, there would likely be a #whole30diet.
If you are wondering what the whole30 diet is all about, let’s talk about it.
What is Whole 30 diet?
Created by Hartwig & Dallas Hartwig, Whole30 is basically a diet that promotes wholesome foods. It’s not a fad diet or a crash diet. It’s more of a lifestyle change. And that change occurs within just 30 days (and that’s where the diet gets its name).
Whole 30 Diet Plan
A 30-day clean eating plan to cut foods that can cause digestive and skin issues, such as dairy, sugar, grains, legumes, baked food, junk food, and alcohol. The idea is that you temporarily (30 days) eliminate certain foods from your diet, and stick to healthier foods.
By eliminating these foods, you curb your craving, cure your digestive issues, boost the immune system, rebalance your hormones and thus improve your health drastically.
And the best news is, that at the end of the 30 days, you won’t even miss those unhealthy foods- the chips and the chocolate because you have come back to your body’s natural ecosystem.
Benefits Of Whole 30 Diet
Some benefits of Whole 30 Diet plan include:
Better Digestive Health
It improves digestive issues like gas, bloating, pain, constipation, and diarrhea. This, in turn, improves energy levels and sleep patterns.
Better Overall Health
Your skin will also look fresh and you can also get rid of asthma, migraine, high blood pressure, and cholesterol and can also control your fasting blood sugar levels.
Healthy Weight Loss
Another useful benefit of whole 30 diet is that you can lose weight without counting calories and measuring food.
Whole 30 diet Food List
According to the Whole 30 Diet rules, some foods are completely banned from your plate. These include:
Not any natural or artificial sweeteners, not even maple syrup because they can lead to poor nutrition.
This might be a little tricky in the beginning, but give it time and you might be able to totally skip on alcohol for the rest of your days. Also, tobacco is a no-no.
No grains
It includes grains of all types like wheat, barley, rice, oats etc. Time to empty your jar of quinoa.
This includes all kinds of dairy like milk, cream, yogurt, and ice-cream. Cheese is also dairy so avoid that too.
Beans and Legumes
No chickpeas or even peanut butter because peanut is categorized as a legume.
Junk and Processed food
Ah, you were expecting it, weren’t you? No healthy diet plan will allow you to stock on your chips and chocolate. And the whole 30 diet is no exception.
So, what can you eat? Here’s a list of Whole 30 diet food list that you can safely consume:
Whole 30 diet food list You Can Eat
Meat and chicken
Proteins are your bodybuilding blocks. Most diets stress on increasing proteins such as meat and chicken. In the Whole 30 diet, your chicken and meat should be free of additives. And so, most nutritionists recommend organic, grass-fed beef and organic chicken.
At Helstrom Farms, our beef is organically raised in the pristine woods of Minnesota. By choosing Helstrom Farms grass-fed beef and organic chicken, you will get the cleanest meat, that is free from GMO’s and therefore ideal for your Whole30 diet plan.
Shop Organic Chicken and Grass-Fed Beef at Helstrom Farms
Ghee or butter
It’s the only dairy allowed during the Whole 30 Diet.
You can eat fruits along with fruit juices but on a moderate level because sugar is not allowed for 30 days.
Omega 3 rich fatty acids are mandatory so it’s better to include seafood as well.
Your choice for veggies is limitless. Most vegetables are low in fat and calories and rich in nutrients.
You can include eggs in your breakfast. In fact, it’s a rich source of high-quality protein.
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are a healthy kind of fats. These provide proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals but again avoid peanuts because they are legumes.
You can add coffee while on whole 30 but you can’t add milk in coffee because dairy is not allowed.
More Whole 30 Diet Rules
A few Whole30 Diet Rules that will help make your 30 days easier:
- Check every label while buying products because most products sold in the supermarket have added sugar and additives
- When in doubt, go with whole foods especially vegetables, nuts, and fruits.
- Also, do not step on the scale for 30 days. Hide the scale if you have to because the idea of Whole 30 diet is better health. Weight loss will come with it.
- Commit to the program 100%. It’s just 30 days. Don’t add to your Whole 30 Food list, it doesn’t work that way.
Here at Helstrom Farms, we are committed to helping you live a healthier lifestyle and presenting you with the cleanest beef and chicken available! We believe that food is medicine and by consuming clean proteins we feed our body the nutrients it needs, free from toxins and chemicals. Shop our selection of beef and chicken now and follow us on Facebook.
This is awesome!! Thanks guys!!
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